DeTer is dynamic Bio Repellent to control rats or rodents. It is safe to your kids, pets and the applicator due to non-toxic ingredients used. Friendly to the environment.
It has active hot pepper that acts as a dynamic contact irritant. |
How DeTer works for you?
DeTer is scientifically proven to irritate the urinary track, eye, nose, mouth and skin of the rat that come to contact with the product.
Rat contacted with DeTer felt irritated and delivered DeTer gel along with its body to nesting area you would never be able to treat.
Rat tried to clean DeTer gel from its fur causing it as secondary transfer with more irritant to other rats. This forced current and future rats to exit your premise.
How to apply DeTer?
DeTer must be applied on the direct and currently active path of rats where contact will occur.
Look for areas of rat activity including locations where droppings, rub marks or gnaw marks are visible.
Getting started with DeTer Application:
- Apply DeTer gel directly using paint brush on runway, food source, wall voids, pipe chases, holes and ceiling where rats come to contact with DeTer.
- Caution:
- Avoid application on porous surface like unpainted concrete and wood surface as they may absorb mineral oil from DeTer, making it ineffective. The solution for this is to apply on adhesive tape or metal sheet purchase from hardware store that acts as an absorption barrier.
- Avoid application on non-target frequent traffic path.
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