DeRail is scientifically proven to irritate the urinary track, eye, nose, mouth and skin of bat that come to contact with the product
Non-Bat Toxicant Dynamic Bio contact irritant Repel bats from congregating, roosting and returning Prevent bat droppings from fouling property, causing skin and lung infection Easy to apply on bat frequent contact area Environmental friendly |
How DeRail works for you?
DeRail for bat is a CONTACT repellent and irritant. In order for it to work it must be placed in areas where bats will come in contact with it and get the product on them. When this is achieved, bat will look for ways to exit from the treated area. DeRail for bats may elicit a stress response that often lower its normal resistance to new things and may enhance operation of current mechanical traps and baits.
When DeRail for bat is applied according to application specifications, bat will not return to treated area for 30 days or longer if product is left intact and undisturbed. Reapplication will be required on and as needed basis in area of high bat pressure or when the product has been disturbed or removed due to foot contact by bats.
Where to apply DeRail?
DeRail for bat can be applied indoor and outdoor surfaces which include, but not limited to wood, metal, plastic, tile, and bricks.
Car porch ceiling
Attic spaces
Exterior perimeter at any potential entry point and along areas where bats congregate
Inject directly into inaccessible wall voids to drive bat out of hiding
Areas where you see signs of activity include feces and urine trails
How to apply DeRail?
Before application, clean bat faeces from area to be treated. DeRail for bat must be placed in the direct path of bats where contact will occur. Look for areas of bat activity and place product in the path of bat.
Apply DeRail gel with paint brush. Thickness gel to be 10mm bead to ensure current and future contact.
Excess applied gel may be wiped off with a clean, dry rag or paper towel
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